The guys over at Deadspin, one of the top sports blogs on the web, have decided to jump in on the friendly political wagers. While they're not politicians, its still worth noting. Founding Editor (and Illini guy) Will Leitch has covered the friendly political wagers in the past, but this time he's an active participant. Taking a look at the ante's so far, we think that this isn't your ususal political wager. Leitch is backing his Cardinals and putting up:
1. Take A.J. Daulerio out for a dinner that involves eating as many tacos as he can handle.
2. Take a cookie sheet to the face. Mr. Daulerio will be allowed to swing a cookie sheet as hard as he wants directly at my face. This will be filmed.
3. Shave my head.
For his part, AJ Daulerio is putting up:
1. I will take Will Leitch out for a sushi dinner.
2. I will also take a cookie sheet to the face.
3. I will get a tattoo of a buzzsaw on the top side of my right buttock.
Food, injury, and embarrassment. Two of those we see all the time (food and embarrassment), but the injury changes things.
Bottomline: We're going to rank this wager, simply because it's from the guys @ Deadspin. They're not politicians, the food wagered here has no tie to the team's home towns, and frankly, the tattoo vs. haircut aren't even close. The cookie sheet will lead to a lot of laughs, though. We'll give it 30 Daleys.
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